Wednesday, March 31, 2010

K Roger's

You read the previous post so you know what to do here. Drive across town till you see an ugly brick building with a bunch of cars parked in the No Parking Fire Lane and you'll be at Kroger, where you can get these cheap imitations known as Big K.

145. Cola
146. Diet Cola
147. Diet Cola w/ Lime
148. Oh!
149. Orange
150. Diet Orange
151. Root Beer
152. Diet Root Beer
153. Citrus Drop
154. Diet Citrus Drop
155. Dr. K
156. Diet Dr. K
157. Lemon Lime
158. Diet Lemon Lime
159. X-Treme
160. Diet X-Treme
161. Vanilla Cola
162. Cherry Cola
163. Red Cream Soda
164. Drop Red
165. Mango
166. Pineapple
167. Peach

Generic brands of the Evil Empire

These are all the generic brands from Wal-Mart. Take the grade I gave to the originals and knock it down a notch cuz none of these are on par with the formulas they're imitating.

86. Sam's Cola
87. Diet Sam's Cola
88. Sam's Zero
89. Dr. Thunder
90. Keg Style Root Beer
91. Orangette
92. Mountain Lightning
93. Diet Dr. Thunder
94. Twist Up
95. Diet Twist Up
96. Sam's Pineapple

Mug and Big Red

78. Mug Root Beer (A-) Not the best of the root beers but it is one of my favorites. Foamy and delicious.
79. Diet Mug (C-) Not so good
80. Mug Cream Soda (B) Decent cream soda. Not the best but it's drinkable and I'd buy it if it was on sale.
81. Diet Mug Cream Soda (C) I wouldn't buy it if it was buy one get one free.
82. Big Red (B-) Tastes ok but makes you look like a vampire
83. Diet Big Red (C-) Look like a vampire, but with a lower chance of diabetes
84. Big Red Vanilla Float (B) It tastes ok but it really needs more vanilla and foam to pull off the float effectively.
85. Big Blue (B-) Making it blue didn't make it any better

213. Big Pineapple (C-) Generic, fake pineapple flavor and nothing worth drinking a second cup

Mr Pibb and the Citrus Band

57. Mr. Pibb (B-) Failed attempt at a Dr. Pepper knock-off. It's an ok drink, but the apprentice didn't succeed the master in this case.
58. Pibb Xtra (B-) Adding cinnamon didn't make it better. Sorry :(
59. Surge (C) Once again we have a soda that looks like pee and once again we have a soda that tries to match it's predecessor, Mt Dew, and fails. That's why it isn't made anymore.
60. Sprite (B) What I drink when I don't want to be up all night. The best of the clear citrus brands.
61. Sprite Zero (B-) No sugar, but doesn't fall to far from the original.
62. Slice (B-) It's ok. Nothing special that makes me wanna go buy a pack. If it's at a party, I'll drink it but I'd probably drink something else first.
63. Slice Mandarin Orange (B-) Just a little bit better than regular Slice.
64. Sierra Mist (B-) Not on par with Sprite. Not bad, but not equal.
65. Diet Sierra Mist (C) My wife seems to like it. That's why there's always two different sodas in the fridge, cuz she drinks what I won't.
66. Sierra Mist Free (C) Giving it a different name didin't make it better. Sorry PepsiCo.
67. Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash (B) I like cranberry juice so I dug this idea. Too bad it's a limited thing.
68. Diet Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash (C-) Not as fond of this one. It can stay seasonal.
69. Sierra Mist Ruby Splash (C-) I can't stand grapefruit juice.
70. Diet Sierra Mist Ruby Splash (D) This is even worse. No sugar to dampen the nasty grapefruit.
71. 7-UP (B) The closest thing to Sprite's equal.
72. Diet 7-UP (C) Nope. Not feelin it.
73. Cherry 7-UP (A-) I love this drink so much that I added grenadine to my 7-UP while I worked at O'Charleys. Of course I did that BEFORE they did. Damn PepsiCo for stealing my ideas!
74. Cherry 7-UP Antioxidant (A-) Made a good drink a little "healthier" by adding Vitamin E. OOH! AHH!
75. Pomegranate 7-UP (B) Tasty but not as good as the Cherry version.
76. Diet Cherry 7-UP (C-) Why must everyone ruin the delicious qualities of a cherry soda by taking the sugar away? The 8th Deadly Sin.
77. dnL (B-) It ain't clear and it ain't an equal blend of lemon & lime. Add more lime and it shifts the color of the soda. Soda Chemistry 101


53. Barq's Root Beer (B-) Strong, acidic root beer w/o the foamy quality I prefer.
54. Barq's Diet Root Beer (D) Bleh! Nothing good about this.
55. Barq's Red Creme (B+) Not to shabby. Not the best red cream on the market but it's a satisfying drink.
56. Barq's French Vanilla Creme Soda (B+) This is a good cream soda. Not the most impressive, but very drinkable.

AMP 51 & 52

51. AMP Energy (C) I'm not too fond of "energy" drinks, but they are carbonated sodas by definition so I've added them to my list, but only in small quantity. It's better than Red Bull.
52. AMP Overdrive (C) Still not impressed.

OMG this is disgusting!

#278 R.W. Knudsen Sparkling Vanilla Creme Soda (F) This is the new most disgusting soda I've ever tasted. It tasted like soy milk that was a day away from expiration. Rainbow Blossom really should've warned me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mountain Dew 35-50

35. Mountain Dew (B) High in caffeine. Tastes ok. Gotta close your eyes a little so you don't think you're drinking pee.
36. Diet Mountain Dew (A-) I actually like the Diet more than the regular.
37. Caffeine-Free Mountain Dew (D) Absolutely no point in drinking Mountain Dew with no caffeine in it. Might as well just open your eyes and drink actual pee.
38. Code Red (B) Pretty good. Like drinking carbonated, caffeinated Kool-Aid
39. Diet Code Red (C-) No sense in drinking the Kool-Aid w/o a lb of sugar in it, so apply that to this bad idea.
40. Livewire (B-) Not too fond of this one. When I drink it I think of Sunkist and can't get past trying to compare them.
41. Baja Blast (B) Goes damn good with a Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito at Taco Bell.
42. Voltage (C) I didn't vote for this one in the Dewmocracy campaign
43. Pitch Black (D) I hate grape soda!
44. Game Fuel (C) I don't play Halo so this still sucks.
45. Revolution (C) I din't vote for this one either.
46. Supernova (B) I did vote for this one, and it lost, so maybe I don't know squat about soda. Then why am I writing this blog? Oh that's right. I drink a lot of soda and the democratic choice of the people usually sucks. Guess I'll try again in the 2010 Dewmocracy campaign.
47. Throwback (B) I like it, but unlike Pepsi Throwback and Dr Pepper Heritage, I can't taste much difference.
48. Horde Red (C) I played an Orc when I did play WoW but this didn't make me want to play again or buy another case.
49. Alliance Blue (C) Screw the Elves! Put on some clothes ya skinny little wusses! Oh sorry. This supposedly tasted like Baja Blast, but I disagree. Not as good as Baja Blast,
50. Diet Ultraviolet (F) By far one of the worst things I've ever tasted.

Pepsi 17-34 and 256

17. Pepsi (B) Sweeter than Coke but not better.
18. Diet Pepsi (C) Actually better than Diet Coke.
19. Caffeine-Free Pepsi (B-) Nice can layout but no sense in a soda w/o caffeine.
20. Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi (D) Just drink water.
21. Pepsi Max (B-) It's ok.Just a little better than Diet Pepsi.
22. Crystal Pepsi (C-) Disgusting and a bad idea. Cola ain't clear!
23. Pepsi Blue (C) No thank you. I'll make Kool-Aid if I ever get the desire for this again, which will be never.
24. Pepsi Jazz Black Cherry Vanilla (B) Not to bad actually
25. Pepsi Jazz Strawberries and Cream (C) This is an ice cream flavor, not a soda. Didn't make me want more.
26. Pepsi Jazz Caramel Cream (B) Ok idea. Better marketing idea than just calling it Pepsi Cream Soda I guess.
27. Lemon Pepsi (C)Once again we have citrus fruit being added to soda. Sweet and sour only works with Sour Patch Kids people.
28. Lime Pepsi (C) Refer to previous ^
29. Pepsi One (B-) The redesigned formula for Pepsi Max with Splenda instead of aspartame. Not a big difference. Still not on my favorite list or anything even though I prefer Splenda to Sweet n Low.
30. Pepsi Throwback (A-) I like the "retro" idea because it tastes better. It kinda takes me back to my childhood when I would make sugar water.
31. Vanilla Pepsi (A) As with Vanilla Coke, I love this soda. Not as good as the Coke brand, but it's not too far off.
32. Wild Cherry Pepsi (A) I actually prefer this to Cherry Coke. The cherry is more dominant in this one.
33. Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi (C-) Stupid, stupid, stupid idea!
34. Diet Vanilla Pepsi (C-) Another stupid, stupid, stupid idea!

256. Pepsi Max Cease Fire (B-) It's ok. Supposed to be drunk while eating the super spicy Doritos varities. I don't see how it would cool the fire. Just seems like a marketing ploy to sell more Pepsi and Doritos.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Coke 1-16, 245, and 276

1. Coca-Cola (B) Refreshing and good taste. The cola that all others are based on.
2. Diet Coke (C) Not particularly fond of diet sodas. This one really doesn't appeal to me.
3. Caffeine-Free Diet Coke (D) What's the point? No sugar or caffeine. Just drink water.
4. Caffeine-Free Coke (B-) At least it tastes ok.
5. Cherry Coke (A) Delicious. One of my favorites sodas.
6. Diet Cherry Coke (C-) Take away the sugar, take away the cherry flavor that makes it appealing.
7. Coke w/ Lemon (B-) Not two flavors I would've put together myself but it's ok.
8. Diet Coke w/ Lemon (B-) The lemon actually makes Diet Coke better.
9. Vanilla Coke (A) One of the best ideas Coca-Cola ever had. A fusion of two delicious flavors. Like drinking a Coke float.
10. Diet Vanilla Coke (C-) And then they went and ruined it.
11. Coke w/ Lime (B-) Refer to #7
12. Diet Coke w/ Lime (B-) Refer to #8 Not much difference here.
13. Splenda Diet Coke (C) Just a tad bit better than regular Diet Coke.
14. Coke Zero (A) The best diet cola on the market.
15. Black Cherry Vanilla Coke (A+) My two favorite Cokes rolled into one bottle.
16. Diet Black Cherry Vanilla Coke (D) I should've given it an F for "f'n ruining" a good formula.

245. Cherry Coke Zero (A) Coke Zero is my favorite diet and adding cherry to the mix made it just a lil bit better.
276. Vanilla Coke Zero (B) Taste is good but it leaves an aftertaste for about 30 sec or so.