Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pepsi 17-34 and 256

17. Pepsi (B) Sweeter than Coke but not better.
18. Diet Pepsi (C) Actually better than Diet Coke.
19. Caffeine-Free Pepsi (B-) Nice can layout but no sense in a soda w/o caffeine.
20. Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi (D) Just drink water.
21. Pepsi Max (B-) It's ok.Just a little better than Diet Pepsi.
22. Crystal Pepsi (C-) Disgusting and a bad idea. Cola ain't clear!
23. Pepsi Blue (C) No thank you. I'll make Kool-Aid if I ever get the desire for this again, which will be never.
24. Pepsi Jazz Black Cherry Vanilla (B) Not to bad actually
25. Pepsi Jazz Strawberries and Cream (C) This is an ice cream flavor, not a soda. Didn't make me want more.
26. Pepsi Jazz Caramel Cream (B) Ok idea. Better marketing idea than just calling it Pepsi Cream Soda I guess.
27. Lemon Pepsi (C)Once again we have citrus fruit being added to soda. Sweet and sour only works with Sour Patch Kids people.
28. Lime Pepsi (C) Refer to previous ^
29. Pepsi One (B-) The redesigned formula for Pepsi Max with Splenda instead of aspartame. Not a big difference. Still not on my favorite list or anything even though I prefer Splenda to Sweet n Low.
30. Pepsi Throwback (A-) I like the "retro" idea because it tastes better. It kinda takes me back to my childhood when I would make sugar water.
31. Vanilla Pepsi (A) As with Vanilla Coke, I love this soda. Not as good as the Coke brand, but it's not too far off.
32. Wild Cherry Pepsi (A) I actually prefer this to Cherry Coke. The cherry is more dominant in this one.
33. Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi (C-) Stupid, stupid, stupid idea!
34. Diet Vanilla Pepsi (C-) Another stupid, stupid, stupid idea!

256. Pepsi Max Cease Fire (B-) It's ok. Supposed to be drunk while eating the super spicy Doritos varities. I don't see how it would cool the fire. Just seems like a marketing ploy to sell more Pepsi and Doritos.

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